
Free "Getting Started with Audiobooks" guide available from Audiobookdeals.com

    /24-7PressRelease.com/ - March 16, 2005 - Audiobookdeals.com (http://www.audiobookdeals.com) has released a concise audiobook resource guide titled Getting Started with Audiobooks. Getting Started with Audiobooks is a resource guide for new and experienced audiobook listeners alike, which provides an overview of audiobooks that includes audiobook history, formats, options, resources and more. Excerpt below:

To borrow a phrase from a popular milk commercial: "Got time?" Our incredibly fast-paced society robs us of the hours needed to accomplish everything on our to-do lists. Multitasking has become the norm for corporate executives and soccer moms. We suffer from acute "busyness"—and we pay a steep price: unprecedented stress levels, sleep deprivation, bad tempers, road rage and toddler-style crankiness. Audiobooks offer a respite from the storm.

This guide is available to download for free in PDF format at: http://audiobookdeals.com/getting-started-book.php

Audiobookdeals.com is one of the first websites dedicated to making audiobooks less expensive and easier to find for audiobook lovers. Featuring over 8,000 audio titles, a comprehensive Getting Started with Audiobooks guide, and reviews of the audiobook purchasing options available, the site is a must bookmark for any audiobook lover. "The popularity of audiobooks has exploded with the success of MP3 players like the iPod, but too many audiobook listeners don't know all the options that are available to them and end up paying too much." remarked Pedro Sostre, president of Sostre and Associates, the company responsible for development of the website.

Audiobookdeals.com has developed relationships with several top audiobook providers including Audible.com, BooksFree.com, Amazon.com, ebay and others in order to give users plenty of options when buying audiobooks. In addition, the site works to develop exclusive special offers with its providers. "Not only do we provide unbiased information, but we have also negotiated offers that otherwise aren't available to the general public." said Sostre.

For more information, visit http://www.audiobookdeals.com

