
Printable Easter Calendar Available for Free Online

    MaiMai News - SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 15, 2008 -- KeepandShare.com ( http://www.keepandshare.com ) today announced its free online printable easter calendar resource center. The free printable Easter calendar center combines KeepandShare's unique web group sharing technology with when is Easter and Easter dates to provide a unique and valuable free printable easter calendar resource center. Users will find 2008 Easter Day options speed them on their tasks.

KeepandShare's free printable easter calendar online web center is available now at:


"I always had difficulty using the web for Easter dates", said Monica Smithson of Mobile, Alabama. But now that KeepandShare provides printable easter calendar I think I can do it on my own now". Monica continued "I'll try using when is Easter and printable Easter calendar as soon as I get to my home computer."

Rose Johansson of Orlando, Florida said "There is no question it's easier using the web for Easter schedule and printable Easter calendar. My sister was ecstatic when she saw how easy it is to use the new printable easter calendar using the KeepandShare sharing technology.". Rose continued "We'll be recommending this great website to our families for 2008 Easter Day and when is Easter every time the topic comes up."

KeepandShare.com is the free website that makes group sharing easy. KeepandShare's free secure file and calendar sharing accounts can be accessed securely from any Internet connected computer. The new free printable easter calendar resource center joins several other popular Easter schedule centers at:



About KeepandShare.com

KeepandShare.com (www.keepandshare.com) is the free website that makes group file & calendar sharing easy. With a few clicks, anyone can create a secure group file or calendar sharing center in 30 seconds. Keepandshare.com is a private 'sharing space' where families, friends, clients, businesses, and groups of any kind can keep and share calendars, files, documents, lists, journals and photos safely and privately. With over 220,000 registered members KeepandShare.com is among the web's fastest growing sites.

Contact KeepandShare.com:

Robert Carr
(415) 287-4163

