
'Newbie Hits Home'

    MaiMai News - March 23, 2008 - When David Nevogt decided to create a simple, user friendly and easy to understand system for improving your golf swing, he probably didn't envision the fantastic monster he was creating. That was the best part of three years ago. During that time this system, "The Simple Golf Swing" has helped 16,452 golfers.

This system has a success rate of 95%, and bogey golfers are able to lower their handicaps by at least 7 strokes within the first couple of rounds. Many golfers are seeing even greater improvements! This method is delivering an average improvement of 12 STROKES.

David noticed that many golfers were experiencing the same or similar problems. So he set about devoting himself to developing "The Simple Golf Swing" system. The main focus of his system had to be on solving these 3 problems, and would teach bogey golfers a system to conquer and overcome them.

One 'newbie' golf virgin who has put Davids system into practice, and benefited from it has posted an inspiring and uplifting review on the 'Blog', 'Golf Product Reviews'.

You can read this review at http://hitlikeapro.blogspot.com

David Nevogt is the innovative creator of this method that will give you the power, consistency, and accuracy that you have always wanted. It's all in one simple system.

